
by Josienthepussycats on Mon Aug 09, 2004 8:20 pm

You've made her suffer
With the scars and marks
Bruises cover her body
And her face is all beat up
You no longer see her beautiful face
All you see are black eyes, bloody lips, and so much more
She wears shirts three times her size just to cover up the marks on her arms
And wears make-up on her face to hide the bruises and black eyes
It hurts for her to smile
Or even cry
So she stands with no emotion
Like a statue structured time and time again
No longer can she escape
Or try to fight back
She gives up so easily
And bares all the pain she goes through
No one can notice the suffering
Or see all her pain
Seeming as if shes non-existable
With all the pain she must suffer.