Fallen Angel

by Kai on Fri Feb 06, 2004 11:19 am

Drifting through time,
Awake but dreaming,
Who is this person next to me,
She is beautiful,
A perfect being to my eyes,
But anger clouds my demonic,
It ensaners my being,
Dragging me back to an evil shadow,
I don't fight it,
I'm a part of it as it is a part of me,
The shadow grips my heart,
As I begin to fall though,
Something changes,
She's there smiling,
I cast off the evil darkness,
I wish I could embrace her but,
But what could she every want,
In a creature such as me,
Still though to have her so close is a comfort,
It drives away the pain and anger,
Maybe one day I'll hold her in my paws,
Hold her and tell her how I feel,
But for now I'll but watch,
Watch and protect her.


Posted by Nocturne on Wed Jul 06, 2005 1:44 pm
I particularly like the first quatraine. :)