Moving away
by Josienthepussycats on Thu Jun 10, 2004 8:37 pm
You move away from me driftingly
Somewhere I can't find you
A place I can never find
No matter how hard I try
I will never be able to see your precious face again
No matter where I search for you
You'll never be right there in front of my face with your precious smile
How can I reach you?
Where can I find you?
I didn't mean to hurt you in any way
I know how you feel and I wish you could stay
I want you to cradle me in your arms
And allow me to cry on your shoulder when I feel sad
And now that you move driftingly away from me we can never do that
No matter where I search for you
You will never be in arm's reach
I will never hear the words "I love you"
Our conversations will always be over the phone
And our faces will never meet again
How I will miss you and how I wish that you will come back
I miss you so much
How can I reach you in this unknown destination?
Somewhere I can't find you
A place I can never find
No matter how hard I try
I will never be able to see your precious face again
No matter where I search for you
You'll never be right there in front of my face with your precious smile
How can I reach you?
Where can I find you?
I didn't mean to hurt you in any way
I know how you feel and I wish you could stay
I want you to cradle me in your arms
And allow me to cry on your shoulder when I feel sad
And now that you move driftingly away from me we can never do that
No matter where I search for you
You will never be in arm's reach
I will never hear the words "I love you"
Our conversations will always be over the phone
And our faces will never meet again
How I will miss you and how I wish that you will come back
I miss you so much
How can I reach you in this unknown destination?