Driving With Bluesy
by Bluesy Socrateaser on Tue Mar 03, 2009 11:11 pm
Standard (Stick)
is a little different
of a driving experience
than automatic is.
But you still
have to turn the wheel
when cornering,
...and a car is still a car.
I change lanes
when I change my mind.
I may use the turn signal,
or I may not.
It's my call.
It's my car.
I'm doing the driving,
...make up your own mind.
If you're in another lane
and flip me off in rage,
I'll follow you to your
last drop of gas.
and then...
If you're nice,
I'll wave to you,
...and tip my hat.
Convertibles are a little
bit different of a
driving experience
then are hardtops.
It's best to put
the top up
when it rains,
...and it rains.
is a little different
of a driving experience
than automatic is.
But you still
have to turn the wheel
when cornering,
...and a car is still a car.
I change lanes
when I change my mind.
I may use the turn signal,
or I may not.
It's my call.
It's my car.
I'm doing the driving,
...make up your own mind.
If you're in another lane
and flip me off in rage,
I'll follow you to your
last drop of gas.
and then...
If you're nice,
I'll wave to you,
...and tip my hat.
Convertibles are a little
bit different of a
driving experience
then are hardtops.
It's best to put
the top up
when it rains,
...and it rains.