Don Knotts

by randy-johnson on Wed Mar 01, 2006 3:46 pm

As an actor, you had great skill.
When you left the Andy Griffith show, it lost most of its appeal.
My dad made a mistake sometime in the eighties when he said you passed away.
I was relieved to learn it wasn't true but sadly you really did die the other day.

You survivd for over eight decades so you've lived a long life.
You were terrific as Ralph Furley and as Barney Fife.
When it came to the ladies, you were a smoothy.
I loved your TV shows and those Apple Dumpling Gang movies.

You were a talented star who died at the age of eighty-one.
You may be dead but fans will still have the privilege of seeing you in reruns.
Many actors and fans loved you a lot.
Goodbye Mister Don Knotts.

(Dedicated to Don Knotts who died February 24, 2006)