Candlelight Ceremony

by MegLiz82 on Mon Nov 22, 2004 5:01 am

We gather together to remember a life lost long ago,
to remember a friend, dead tragically before our time.
But the tradition of remembrance never died.
It's a night for flames and friends
The tears,
The smiles,
The sobs,
The laughs,
The tears shed for the certain yet uncertain future
The smiles for the cherished memories
The sobs for fear of letting go of friends
and facing the reality of letting them go forever.
The laughs giggled through our tears as we talk of the past
and of the fun we'll have together in the future times remaining.
It's the whispered words,
the hugs,
The hanging onto old and dear friends,
while reaching out to make new ones.
It's the passing of the candle,
flame touching flame,
heart touching heart,
soul touching soul.
It's a night when we set aside all our differences,
and friends become family.
As we cry, smile, sob, and laugh, we pass the flame.
Not just the bright burning candlelight,
but the flame of tradition, friendship, family, togetherness, and love.