I Had a Friend

by Ben Grader on Mon Oct 25, 2004 6:09 am

I had a friend at Amersfoort his age like mine a bare eighteen
we had gone to school together, knew each others families
ours was a friendship which had stood the pace.
Then he went on, to Bergen-Belsen; I was left behind
and so I lived, while he had died. Exterminated like a pest
in spite of victory so close. I ask myself "Why was it done"?
and get no answer which makes sense to me.
Now each autumn as the acorns drop, I still return
and place a rose in memory on the memorial.
I find I can no longer hate the ruthlessness, which happened here;
age has softened my relentless animosity, yet I remember still.

I had a friend at Amersfoort his age like mine, a bare eighteen.


Posted by Jon Snow on Wed Oct 27, 2004 12:05 am
Such a deep sadness in this one, Ben -- autumn brings out the nostalgia no matter how deeply buried the memories are. enjoyed.
Posted by Josienthepussycats on Thu Dec 02, 2004 9:59 pm
Nice...reelie nice...keep writing