On top of the world
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Sun Jan 25, 2004 5:00 pm
When you write, what type of writing do you usually do? Fantasy? Horror? Sci-fi? Drama?
Most of the inspirations I get for writing are for overly elaborate fantasy stories with intricate plotwork over a large number of pages. I don't the have time, or the motivation, to sit down and plan enough out in advance to keep a story consistent, so I never actually write any of these.
Lately, I've wanted to write some short stories. That way, at least, I'd force myself to keep it short and simpler than previous ideas. Having never done any short story writing, though, I find it difficult to come up with a concept that I could take from a starting point, tell a short story about, and finish with a sense that something worthwhile happened.
And occassionally, I just end up putting words down and seeing where they end up. This (start of a) story was from an idea I got into my head as I was trying to fall asleep. I sat up, grabbed my laptop, and typed that out. Hopefully, I'll get around to adding to that, once I figure out where it's going.
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