On top of the world
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Sun Jan 25, 2004 5:00 pm
As you've probably noticed, the site has been quite stagnant lately. There have been a few submissions (almost entirely by Josienthepussycats, who I thank greatly for her contributions) but other than that, not really much activity.
I feel I should try and explain why, and give an update on what's planned. For me, it's summer vacation from school, and that means that I'm working, which ironically ends up sucking more time than school does. Generally, when I get home from work I'm sick of typing (which is what I do all day) and I don't get much work done on anything. I also haven't had the creative bend to write much lately, at least, nothing coherent or interesting.
So several of the things I've been meaning to do for months remain undone. Things such as a links section, book reviews, and some serious advertising efforts have fallen by the wayside for now. I also haven't been sending out a newsletter, which I keep telling myself I should do.
Those things are the most important that I want to get done in the near future. I have some fuzzy longer-term plans that need more thinking-out, but for now, that's where I and the site stand. I hope to start up on some of these things really soon (in the next few weeks, if not sooner) and I would love to have some feedback from you about what you like, what you don't like, what you feel should be changed, etc.
You can send your feedback by posting a reply to this topic, using our contact form or you can email me directly at I look forward to hearing from you, and I apologize for the site being slow over these past few months.
Thank you!
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