On top of the world
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Sun Jan 25, 2004 5:00 pm
Hello everyone,
I'm Phil (once, I was known as LrdChaos), and this is the new I tried to keep some of the look the same, so that returning members will recognize it, but at the same time, expand to allow us to do all kinds of
new things.
On the technical side, the backend of the site was completely rewritten, and while there are sure to be a few kinks to work out, it seems to be working fine.
On the other side, there's content. Most sites don't get very far without offering something, and that's where you come on. depends on the submissions of you, the wonderful members of this community. From our home page, there are links to submit Poetry and Prose. Submissions you make through those forms should be reviewed and posted in less than 24 hours, but if that's too long, you can always post your work straight to the forums here.
There will be some new features added over the next few days, and I'll keep you up to date on what's happening, as it happens.
Once again, welcome everyone and enjoy!
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